
AWESOME GIVEAWAY: 2 Tickets to Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Before you get too excited, I must tell you Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? is a doozy of a show. At 3 hours long with not one but two intermissions, it basically details a family in decline, touching on infidelity and insanity all at the same time. If I've still got you, listen to me when I say you must go see this show.

The show stars Tony Award® and Pulitzer Prize winner Tracy Letts (of August: Osage County fame) and Tony® nominee Amy Morton as America's infamous sparring couple, George and Martha, in the Steppenwolf production. Directed by Tony® nominee Pam Mackinnon (Clybourne Park)—Virginia Woolf celebrates its 50th Broadway anniversary with a spectacularly moving performance that will pretty much make you question every relationship you've ever encountered, insightfully of course.

All my readers are in luck! I'm giving away a pair of tickets to Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?! There are 4 easy ways to win, and each comment counts as an entry. Be sure to leave your email in each comment so that I can contact you if you are the winner.

1) REQUIRED - Follow this blog by clicking on the button on the right panel and leave a comment below letting me know you did so.

2) REQUIRED - Leave a comment letting me know you're favorite way to get free or cheap theater tickets.

3) Follow me on Twitter @yaelleah and leave a comment below letting me know you did so.

4) Tweet about this contest "I just entered to win 2 tix to @WoolfOnBroadway on Awesome In New York! http://bit.ly/Rfwm3r" and let me know with a link to your tweet.

Winners will be chosen using Random.org on Monday 10/15. You have until Monday 10/15 at 12 p.m. EST to enter the contest. Good luck! The show plays at the Booth Theatre (222 W. 45th Street) and the winner will receive tickets good through November 4.

For Performances before October 22, save 35% on tickets by calling 212-947-8844 and using code VWNFP831. Also,visit BroadwayOffers.com and use code VWNFP831.

A winner has been chosen! Congratulations Sarah! You are the winner of 2 tickets to Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? I hope you enjoy the show! Thanks to everyone who entered and stay tuned for more contests from Awesome in New York!


  1. I already follow your blog! :)

    Email: lady_stardust25@yahoo.com

  2. One of my fave ways to get cheap theatre tix is via studentrush.org! Usually only $5! :)

    Email: lady_stardust25@yahoo.com

  3. Already follow ya on Twitter (@ladystardust25)...

    Email: lady_stardust25@yahoo.com

  4. And I tweeted:

    Email: lady_stardust25@yahoo.com

  5. This is one of my favorite plays, and I'm so excited it is back on Broadway, especially with such a high-caliber production. The longer and drunker, the better. That being said, I already follow your illuminating blog posts via email (officematt731@sbclgobal.net).

    Email: matthew31kennedy@gmail.com

  6. My favorite way of getting discounted theater tickets is through the Theater Development Fund. You have to make an initial $30 donation, but the discount you get more than makes up for that. And also they do great work in developing theater programs in schools and professionally.

    Email: matthew31kennedy@gmail.com

  7. I also already follow you on Twitter (@ArtWineWhimsy)

    Email: matthew31kennedy@gmail.com

  8. And finally, Twitter has been tweeted: https://twitter.com/ArtWineWhimsy/status/256114911351033856

    Email: matthew31kennedy@gmail.com

    Thanks so much! Either way, I can't wait for the dysfunctional revelry.

  9. I followed your blog! brashleyspeaking@gmail.com

  10. My favorite way to get cheap theater tickets is via lotteries. It's not guaranteed, but when you win, it's so exciting!


  11. Also, followed you on Twitter! (@AshleyRaeBK) brashleyspeaking@gmail.com

  12. I follow your blog

    Movidude74 @aol.com

  13. My favorite way to get cheap or free tickets is to enter contests online!!

    Movidude74 @ aol.com

  14. I follow you in twitter as @ movidude74

    Movidude74 @ aol.com

  15. The obvious answer is....winning them from the myriad of contests online!

    I follow you as @bbwithpickles on twitter

    I follow this blog


  16. I follow your blog

    SIMSHABSG at gmail dot com

  17. My favorite way to get free or cheap tickets is to win them through online or local newspaper contests.

    SIMSHABSG at gmail dot com

  18. I follow you on Twitter @bitsybitsybitsy

    SIMSHABSG at gmail dot com

  19. I have tweeted about the contest: https://twitter.com/bitsybitsybitsy/status/256451684665028609

    SIMSHABSG at gmail dot com

  20. I follow you on Google Friend Connect


  21. I love purchasing cheap tickets at the TKTS booth in Times Square.


  22. I follow you on Twitter(@IMIS19)


  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. My tweet:


  25. My favorite way to get cheap tickets to hit Broadway shows is by trying the lottery. SteveNYCguy@hotmail.com


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