New Year's resolutions or not, I have always loved trying new workouts. Logging constant miles on the elliptical or crunching hundreds of times gets insanely boring and make me burn out. So when the folks at
Alycea Ungaro's Real Pilates (177 Duane Street) invited me to come try their signature class SpringTONE, I was all for it!
The studio is on a very pleasant, very "TriBeCa" block, and it was super warm to walk into out of a snowstorm on a Monday evening. I was greeted by Alycea herself and shown around the studio. The upper level is where private sessions take place, and I watched as clients from all walks of life seemed to be pulling, pushing, and breathing their way to fitness.
My class took place downstairs, where there were 10, for lack of a better word, contraptions; one per student. If you've never taken a Pilates class (I'm not talking mat Pilates here, but anything with a machine), it can be a bit intimidating. Reformers look especially like torture devices with all of their metal springs, leather straps, and metal and wooden bars.

My class was taught by Vanessa, a playful instructor who had the ability of seeming truly pleasant as she talked us through exercises that made me feel like my inner thigh muscles were going to explode out of my legs. For 45 minutes, I pulled on springs, hollowed out my core, balanced in a squat position, burned all of my muscles, pulled on some more springs, and finally stretched out. It's funny how much of a work out you can get from minute movements, but I was seriously sore for 2 days after this class. As for difficulty level, there was nothing I felt I couldn't do, but I did occasionally have to bend my knees when Vanessa asked us to keep our legs straight.
Alycea Ungaro’s Real Pilates recently launched a brand new luxury lifestyle boutique curated by What Not To Wear's Amy Salinger. Clara's Lifestyle Boutique is an all inclusive luxury one-stop-shop and features 'fitness wear with a function.' It features a range of lifestyle items and features some of today’s top fitness brands including Lole Women, Nancy Rose, Om Girl, Beyond Yoga, among others.
Classes are $30, but they get cheaper when bought in packages. I would highly recommend the studio as it's clean, friendly and close to multiple subway lines. Be sure to report back if you try it!